

ルーズリーフを作る時に注意しなくては行けないのが、 やっぱり高さだと思います。また、変に行間などを空けてしまうと、それも考慮して作らなくてはいけません。 市販のルーズリーフだとだいたい「6mm」とか「7mm」とかで売られていますが、今回は、コンピュータという事で、 「ピクセル」を使って見る事にしましょう!

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   <h1>Nonlinear Fiber Optics</h1>
   <div class="looseleaf">
      <p>The performance of long-haul fiber transmission systems,
      in terms of capacity and distance, is primarily limited by
      linear and nonlinear propagation effects in fibers.
      Various dispersion compensation methods either in optical or
      electric domain have been studied, in terms of chromatic dispersion,
      dispersion slope and polarization mode dispersion. </p>
      <p>However, there still remain difficulties and system impairments
      induced by fiber nonlinearities, which is becoming important
      in high speed transmission systems of 40 Gb/s or beyond.</p>
Nonlinear Fiber Optics
The performance of long-haul fiber transmission systems, in terms of capacity and distance, is primarily limited by linear and nonlinear propagation effects in fibers. Various dispersion compensation methods either in optical or electric domain have been studied, in terms of chromatic dispersion, dispersion slope and polarization mode dispersion.
However, there still remain difficulties and system impairments induced by fiber nonlinearities, which is becoming important in high speed transmission systems of 40 Gb/s or beyond.

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普通の罫線では物足りない!という人は次の素材を使ってみてはどうですか? 線が点線になっていますのでちょっと変わった雰囲気になります。

Nonlinear Fiber Optics
The performance of long-haul fiber transmission systems, in terms of capacity and distance, is primarily limited by linear and nonlinear propagation effects in fibers. Various dispersion compensation methods either in optical or electric domain have been studied, in terms of chromatic dispersion, dispersion slope and polarization mode dispersion.
However, there still remain difficulties and system impairments induced by fiber nonlinearities, which is becoming important in high speed transmission systems of 40 Gb/s or beyond.
